Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Via Mat rejecting US clients

Via Mat is the most reputable enterprise that ensures the storage of gold. It is used by the big bullion trading services such as BullionVault and GoldMoney, as well as mining companies. And when Via Mat makes a statement against a huge portion of its clientele, you know something major is going on. Not only something major, but something totally wrong. 

In this case, it's the humongous regulations foisted on US citizens that make transacting with them inconvenient and annoying. The FATCA, or Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, has been the US government's means of extracting revenue of Americans even from abroad. Looks like it's backfiring now, what with ViaMat issuing its letter discontinuing services for those "with US tax liability."

There will come a point when these US regulations will somewhat be eased, if only for the sake of adjusting to today's world. The fact is, the US government is becoming less responsive and wieldy, and is losing more and more money. There will come a point when its regulations could not even be implemented, which is a good thing for Americans who want to keep up with the goings-on of the market. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Do You Know The Price of Gold, Give or Take 50%?

This is hilarious. Basically, Mark Dice is able to show just how little the man in the street knows about what is going on in the world, finance-wise that is.

I don't mean to seem arrogant about knowing better. There was a time, after all, that I didn't know this stuff about money either. I guess it's the only way my sad self could cope with watching the unbelievable blindness of most to what is happening to their money, their property.

Such ignorance is exactly why these clowns in office are able to fool the public with each crisis, which are both made by, and made worse by, government.

Maybe it will be a good sign when, in the future, Mark Dice chances upon someone who does know the price of gold. That will show that awareness is growing.

There is no need for you to wait that long. Buying gold at this time is the wisest decision I could impart to you.